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tv   Americas News Headquarters  FOX News  January 5, 2014 10:00am-11:01am PST

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thank you for spending some of your sunday with us. you can follow us on twitter. >> join us. we are going to turn it over now to washington. our nation's capital taking it from here. have a great day and happy new year. >> thank you. >> with the clock ticking the family of jahi makes the move the girl to another facility. after a tragic story reignite it is controversy over what exactly constitutes life and death. help but no u.s. boots the ground. that's the message from secretary of state john kerry to iraq. al qaeda overruns two cities taking back territory u.s. troops died fating for. we will have a live report. the biggest test for obamacare is coming up as millions of americans who signed up for the insurance start using it. what can we expect? t former governor mitt romney
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weighs in. >> it is not just that the president tells people they have to buy health insurance. it is that he tells them what health insurance they have to buy. iraqi government forces are pushing back against al qaeda militants who virtually have taken over the western cities, key cities. the iraqi defense ministry released footage it says shows the bombing of an al qaeda hideout in the province where those would cities are located. john kerry says the current battle is iraq's to fight. >> the secretary of state, john kerry, says that he is keeping a close eye on what is happening in iraq's anbar province. that's where fighters are battling to keep their grip on fallujah and ramadi. cities they have taken over from local authorities in past few days. secretary kerry is now promising to send american help soon but is not going to send american
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troops and this is why. >> this is a fight that belongs to the iraqi. that's exactly what the president and the world decided some time ago when we left iraq. so we are not, obviously, contemplating returning and not contemplating putting boots on the ground. this is their fight and we will help them in their fight. >> it has been two years and 18 days since the last convoy of american troops left iraq and now not only have al qaeda militants taken over two important cities but just today, 20 people were killed in a series of bombings in baghdad. now republican senators, mccain and graham, are declare thing rapid rise in violence a signal of failed american foreign policy. with this joint statement when president obama withdrew all forces from iraq in 2011 over the objections of our military leaders and commanders on the ground, many of us predicted the vacuum would be filled by america's enemies and would emerge as a threat to u.s.
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national security interests. sadly, that reality is now clearer than ever. nearby in lebanon, violence from syria's bloody war to the point the american embassy in beirut is warning american citizens there to avoid all hotels, avoid western-style shopping centers, including grocery stores, and to avoid anywhere else in the country that american citizens may be gathering in large groups. >> party, thank you very much. we want you to weigh in as al qaeda is surging in iraq. the u.s. pledging support but no rooms. what happens now? tweet us your answers . we will read some of your responses later in the show. the other big item on the ageneral -- the mideast peace process. after three days of shuttle diplomacy in the region, some progress has been made but he says key hurdles do still remain. kerry is trying on nudge
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palestinians and israelis closer to a deal that would establish a palestinian state. israeli prime minister binyamin netanyahu says one of the big issues he brought up in talks with kerry is the refusal to recognize israel's right to exist. 2012 gop presidential contender mitt romney says president obama damaged the economy by mistakenly telling americans by telling them had can keep their existing health care plans under obamacare. mitt romney sounded off against the broken prom business the idea the government knows bet the earn american people what kind of insurance they have to have makes no sense. it is something which the american people are rejecting in large numbers. i think it is going to hurt the president and hurt the country and a lot of families. people don't want to be told what type of insurance they have to have.
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>> romney to say the economy's recovery should be the president's first recovery. putting people back to work with full-time jobs and higher wages. you can catch the entire interview with governor romney on "fox news sunday." more news on obamacare. it is not good. the new study suggests more people will mack emergency room visits under the new law, not less, as president obama and other supporters of the law have argued. also, health care professionals are once again warning that the shortage of doctors is going to become an even greater problem. dr. ben carson joins us live. good to see you today. >> good to see you. >> all right. let's talk first about the doctor shortage. had is something discussed before as well. is this because of the expansion of medicaid or -- what is the looming problem you see? >> well, you know, the reason that there is going to be -- there are already is and it is going to be exacerbated, a doctor shortage is because, first of all, it costs an
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enormous amount of money to become a physician. a lot of people come out of medical school owing hundreds of thousands of dollars. then you are going to be placed into a system where you have become an employee of the government essentially as opposed to an independent contractor who can do things the way you thought you could do them. that's certainly going to dampen enthusiasm. and then reimbursements are going to be, you know, at a medicare/medicaid rate. initially when medicare and medicaid were brought into the fray, you know doctors said, okay, we will do that because, you know, we are doing okay with our commercial insurance and we don't mind taking some people for which we will only break even or possibly lose money. now that's become the basis of what they are being paid and even trying to reduce that. you know, these are things, obviously, that will impact significantly on people wanting to go into the field of medicine. many still will, i hope.
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i certainly encourage everybody to do so because i believe that we will eventually find ways to solve these problems if we can ever learn how to sit down together and rationally discuss these things. we do have ways that we can take care of people. we pay twice as much money per capita as much as anybody now. we have adequate resources. what we need is to be able to use collective resources to solve the problem rather than allowing things to be driven by ideology. >> that is an excellent point and something that everybody involved in the conversation here in washington and beyond. good advice they should heed and hopefully they will. i want to ask you to talk about the difference between the purpose of this law, stated purpose, what's happening, the difference between having health insurance and actually having access to medical care. >> yes. well, of course, i don't know anybody who doesn't want everybody to have access to health care.
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but what we are seeing with the implementation of expansion of medicaid, for instance, in the oregon study is that people use the emergency room 40% more than they were using it before. and these people who received medicare or medicaid were chosen randomly. so it is taunt to do a blinded study to see what would happen. this is rather alarming. it was stated -- one of the reasons that obamacare was supposed to help us is that by extending care to people, we would decrease the burden on the emergency rooms, where the cost is three, power, sometimes five times morning it would be if you went to a clinic or to a primary care physician. that's not true. there are so many things that weren't true. cost didn't decrease. up can't keep your doctor or your insurance. fewer visits to the emergency room. so many things. the problem is that we have set
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a precedent now for legislation in which we can use things that are not true, get it past and say, oh, well, we didn't know. there's no consequences. think about the implications of that going forward. regardless of which party is advocating such things. it is terrible. >> it raises the concerns as well about when -- an executive does try to make changes after the fact to try to remedy some of the consequences, whether they were intended or not, that raising another question about legality, whether it is a republican or democrat president, independent one day, who knows, taking the opportunity to modify legislation without going through congress. you have given us much -- >> the issue of honesty is so very important and, you know, i am just waiting for the time when all of this settles down and we can actually talk about ways to do this because there are excellent ways to do this in which people have some personal
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responsibility and choice and that's going to keep prices under control and make access much better. i'm anxious for the time when we can talk about this. >> aren't we all. dr. carson, happy new year and good to see you. thank you, sir. >> same to you. the family of 13-year-old girl who was left brain dead after routine tonsillectomy has until tuesday evening to move her to a different long-term care facility. a judge is forcing the hospital to jahi on life support until then. we have a bunch of new details in this case. hello. >> it will take jahi -- that has been the case for quite some time now and the family is certainly keeping quiet about when she may be moved. friday children's hospital oakland said it will allow a critical care team to enter the hospital and transport her body to whoever will take her. the family firmably believes on religious ground she is still alive despite multiple doctors
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declaring her brain dead. this is no blood flowing to her brain nor is there electrical activity there. the hospital clarifies that as whole brain death which is defined as an irreversible cessation of all functions of the entire brain including the brainstem. on saturday, her grandmother visited jahi and she was met at the hospital by supporters. she gave this update to reporters on the girl's state. >> i said, hi, jahi. she moved her legs and arms. her heart is beating good. she is warm. she looks beautiful. this is the best glow i have ever seen she had. >> she can be moved while on a ventilator but her mother must take full responsibility of her during the transfer. children's hospital has stood by the physicians' established
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ethics but there are concerns that they are succumbing. >> it is all so horrible it is so difficult for her family to accept that death and i -- i wish and i constantly think that wouldn't it be great if they were able to come to terms with the terrible tragic event and that i didn't have to stand here in front of you all time after time. >> breaking up there. the family's request of the hospital doctors or another physician to insert feeding for the move was denied by a judge on friday. the hospital still refuses to do so on a dead body as policy. it is understood she has not been fed since thursday morning. no indication of what impact that will have on her. as i say, no indication of when she may be moved. >> we will keep an eye on it. thank you very much. the deep freeze is causing delays at airports across the east coast from chicago to new york. a short while ago jfk reopened but the snow and ice is still causing a lot of delays.
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we are experiencing record-breaking cold with arctic air spawning some of the lowest temperatures in decades. janice dean is in the fox extreme weather center tracking weather. >> hi, shannon. yes, all of the northeast airports are going to experience delays. especially philadelphia and new york right now. several hours worth of delays. freezing rain advisory still in and around the d.c. area. up towards boston and even maine where some of the precipitation is freezing on contact with the ground. and making travel very difficult and then we have winter weather advisories across the ohio river valley and we could see 6 to 12 inches of snow from the missouri valley all the way up to the great lakes and, of course, the cold is what everyone is talking about. these are current temperatures, below zero with the windchill, though, we could feel as far -- as far down as minus 50, minus 60 degrees. there is your windchill. minus 35 in rapid city. minus 28 in minneapolis. and you can see the windchill
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advisories stretching as far south as the gulf coast. incredibly historic cold air. these are your morning lows. this is not windchill, by the way. minus 26 at international falls. minus 22 in green bay and minus 15 on monday for chicago. and you could set an all-time high record low in chicago. minus 13 degrees air temperature as your high on monday. and then we are going to watch this mess continue to move eastward with the potential for snow and, shannon, all of that cold air will move eastward. so any of the rain that's left on the ground is going to freeze. that is going to make travel difficult on monday and tuesday. lots to keep us busy in the fox news extreme weather center. be very careful out there. back to you. >> good advice. thank you so much. more than a year since the deadly 9/11 attack in benghazi and there are now more questions than answers. congress is back tomorrow. what is the next step into the investigation of the benghazi attacks that left four americans
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dea dead? the new year could cece a shift in the balance of our on capitol hill? [ male announcer ] this is the story of the little room over the pizza place on chestnut street the modest first floor bedroom in tallinn, estonia and the southbound bus barreli down i-95. ♪ this magic moment it is the story of where every great idea begins. and of those who believed they had thpower to do more. dell is honored to be part of some of the world's great stories. that began much the same way ours did in a little dorm room -- 2713. ♪ this magic moment ♪
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it has been more than a year since the attacks in benghazi, libya, that left four americans dead. a report claiming the attack was not the work of al qaeda has reignited a debate over who was to blame. as congress returns to work tomorrow, what's next in the house oversight committee's search for answers? joining us now is a member of that committee, congressman gowdy from south carolina. great to have you today. first of all, i will get your reaction to "the new york times" reporting. >> it hasn't changed from the initial time i read it. i have more questions having read this article than i do answers. how many attackers were there? of the universe of attackers, how many did this "new york times" reporter interview? on that number, how many cited
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the video of the impetus of the violence? i'm still stunned hillary clinton's name is not named in this "new york times" piece. i still can't answer those questions for you but i will keep trying. >> have you access to information that the average person does not. i want to start by asking you the question -- and see if you had an answer to your satisfaction. what were we doing in benghazi? >> no, ma'am, can i not answer that question to your satisfaction, to my satisfaction, or the satisfaction of your viewers. we are not going to be able to answer that question until hillary clinton is back before a committee of congress or susan rice or cheryl mills. i have not had a chance to ask any of those three questions. i cannot tell you why we were in benghazi and i can't tell why you the ambassador was in benghazi the night he was murder. >> has the state department been
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helpful to this point? the government says it has been responsive and has been providing people and documents in those kinds of things to invest in the various investigations going on and on capitol hill and elsewhere. how would you judge what have you gotten to this point? has it been helpful? what more do you need to see? >> given the fact it is a sunday, i will mind my language. what would be a word opposite to helpful. think about what susan rice said in the leslie stahl interview if you can call that an interview. she is creatinginging a false controversy. we have four motherderred americans and susan vice too busy for it. the state department has been incredibly unhelpful to put it mildly. >> where do we go next?
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do you think there will be any kind of agreement about a select committee being appointed? where do you think you go to get answers? will you? >> well, there are four jurisd so have you four committee chairmen and each of them have their own kind of jurisdiction. if write in charge, you should move and leave the country. but if i were in charge, i would have hillary clinton, susan rice, and cheryl mills sitting before a committee of congress. i would send them a subpoena ahead of time and take their deposition and then i would have an open hearing where -- where the jury or our fellow citizens can judge the credibility and the completeness of their answers. i would talk to every single witness on the ground in benghazi the night of the attack. until those are gone, i'm not going to be able to answer your questions to the degree that you deserve. >> congressman gowdy, by the way, to correct you on one
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thing, i'm sure you are a much better lawyer and certainly much more experienced than i am. we thank you very much for your time today. best wishes as you continue our search for answers. thank you, sir. >> yes, ma'am, thank you. still to come, will same-sex marriages go on in utah while a case is playing out in court? it is now up to supreme court justice sonia sotomayor. she is considering an emergency petition from utah officials. we will have a their and balanced debate about that. it is officially now an election year. mid terms just months away. will republicans have a real shot at taking control of the senate in 2014? [ male announcer ] alka seltzer plus presents the cold truth. [ coughs, sneeze]
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[ sniffles ] i have a big meeting when we land, but i am so stuffed up, i can't rest. [ male announcer ] truth is, nyquil cold and flu liquid gels don't unstuff your nose. they don't? [ male announcer ] nope. they don't have a decongestant. really? [ male announcer ] really. alka seltzer plus night fights your worst cold symptoms, plus has a fast-acting decongestant to relieve your stuffy nose. [ inhales deeply ] alka seltzer plus. oh. what a relief it is. [ male announcer ] can't find theraflu, try alka seltzer plus for fast liquid cold and flu relief.
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20 people were killed today after bombings swept through the capital of baghdad. violence in the country surging as government forces try to push back against an offensive of al qaeda militants. >> secretary of state john kerry is making it clear, america will help iraq in pits against al qaeda-linked militants but the help will not include sending in u.s. troops. kerry says the u.s. has been in contact with tribal leade ersle former israeli prime minister sharon's condition has taken a turn for the worst. according to the head of the hospital treating sharon the 85-year-old is clinging to life and progress nose sis not good. sharon has been in a coma since a stroke eight years ago. it looks like janet yellen is about to be one step closer to becoming the first woman to chair the federal reserve. the senate set to vote tomorrow
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on president obama's choice to succeed ben bernanke. new york is positioning itself to become the 21st state to allow the medical use of marijuana. andrew cuomo is not taking the legislative route. instead he is using his administrative powers to unveil an initiative this week. it would allow a limited number of hospitals though dispense the pot. those are the top stories right now. back to you. >> thank you, peter. we are just days into the new year but already all eyes are focussing on this year's mid-term elections. it is time. democrats currently have control of the senate with 53 sxeets republicans have 45. two independent that generally caucus and vote with the democrats. what will it take for the republicans to regain control of the senate? host of "power play" is chris. happy new year. >> super duper. happy new year to you. >> it is good to see you. we can officially say it is an
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election year. >> it is an election year. it is a very consequential election year. because of what happened in 2006, because of what happened in 2008, when you have democratic election, the ground is ready for a referendum,es enly on the senators who were elected back then. and they were elected along when president obama was elected. have you plenty of democrats there in the united states senate. and the republicans need to beat six of them or take seats held by democrats and flip them to gain control of the upper chamber. if they do that, basically there are 10r maybe 12 seats that would be considered competitive if the republicans can win six of them, then the dynamic in washington changes for the first time since 2010. which is if the republicans control both houses of congress, they can start to apply pressure on the president to do deals and make things happen as opposed to the way it is now where the democrats control basically two out of three.
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this would change the pressure and sort of the flow of pressure. >> how likely do you think it is and which races would be you be watching? there are several that come to mind. ark sxashg other spots. where are you watching? >> first place to watch are open seats. that's michigan, iowa, states where republicans generally don't do super great but sometimes can. those are states that both have republican governors and states that both have a lot of potential for the red team. then you look at democrats who are from red states. that's mark begich. mary landrieu. she has been around since the mid '90s. they have a jungle primary system down there that makes it a little tougher. then you go over to the east coast and you see in north carolina, that's kay hagen, down there. a state that is a swing
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state-ish but has a republican tint to it. so that's your first round. but what happens, you and i talked about this before, you never know what the water line is going to be. right? so for the republicans they can expect that they will have -- there aren't really any republican seats barring the primary upsets, there aren't any republican seats that look to be in play as of today. that could certainly happen. could you certain sly -- if mitch mcconnell lost in his primary, kentucky race would be competitive. same for lindsey graham in south carolina, georgia sitting in the same way where you have saxby chambliss. where is the water line for the republicans? are they going to get would seats or four seats? six? eight? ten? 12? you don't know. it depends on obamacare. >> that's going to be a huge factor. i want to fast forward quickly to 2016. name that's on the short list with a lot of people on the gop side. senator marco rubio. marking an interesting anniversary in an interesting
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way. he is talking about the 50-year on poverty. he has a statement, video is that looking towards 2016. >> 2014. what republicans -- it will pay him dividends if what he says and does now helps republicans get through the election season. democrats have one answer to obamacare which is income inequality. they are very upset about that and they said -- >> which increased under president obama. >> yes. of course it has. you mentioned -- peter mentioned janet yellen. they had a policy they dump ad lot of money on wall street and rich have gotten richer. meanwhile, if you think about it, the president is going to come back from vacation and argue for the need for two years of unemployment insurance. that's never -- a benefit. that's never the hallmark of the healthy economy. right? if the president says people immediate jobless benefits for two years, that doesn't mean people are really killing it. if rubio and his response to the government solution to the war on poverty hasn't worked and failed and calling for a new
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thing, helps republicans through the counterattack on with on the poor, democrats call it, he will have more friends and be better liked when it is time to start talking about caucuses and primary. >> which is just days away. >> why wait? we can barely get into 2014. >> fast forwarding. always good to see you. thank you. >> you bet you. >> for years, local ministries in harrisburg, pennsylvania, he worked to help those in need until the county government told them they cooperate do it anymore on public property. the county said that these gatherings were creating problems like public urination and other harassment issues. for now at least one of the groups reached a deal with the county. italy allow them to use the space as long as the property is left the way the ministry found it. they sabaning their charity is restricting their religious freedom. does the obamacare birth control mandate go too far? a group of nuns is fighting the
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administration over what they say is a violation of their religious beliefs. should nuns be forced to have contraception in their health care plans? we will debate that issue next. anyone have occasional constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating? yes! one phillips' colon health probiotic cap each day helps defend against these digestive issues with three strains of good bacteria. live the regular life. phillips'.
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pope plan sis will be traveling to the holy land in may. the announcement comes as he continues to shake things up in the catholic church, saying priests can become, quote,
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little monsters if they aren't trained properly while studying as seminarians. two contentious issues that may have significant implications are pending before supreme court justice sonia sotomayor. she issued a last-minute order on new year's eve temporarily exempting the group of catholic nuns from the obamacare contraception mandate. the administration since asked the supreme court not to allow that request to stay in place. justice sotomayor is considering a petition asking for a stay of same-sex marriage in utah while the underlying case on the issue plays out. joining us for a pair and balanced debate on the emergency petitions is author alec holmes and fox news contributor jim pinkerton. great to see you both. >> hi. >> why should the nuns be forced to take part in the hhs contraception mandate? >> they are not. the department of justice says they just have to sign a request for waiver and will get it. >> they are saying they have to sign a permission slip for people to get contraceptives and
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consider -- >> the government saying no, that's not the case. they are claiming simply by signing this that they are violating their faith and the government is saying that sign a waiver and we will give you a waiver and you don't have to do it. they just have to sign paper that does not violate their faith and they will get the waiver. it is not an issue and not a recovers good they say it is a controversy. they say by signing it, a permission slip is they are saying, yeah, we are not going to be directly involved but we will make a third party involved and they argue that's condoning behavior they say violates their faith. >> right. it is not just the little us is terse of the poor. it is hilarious uncle sam is trying to trom p down on a bunch of nuns with that name and according to the "denver post" 500 other groups feel the exact same way. it is their conscience that's at issue here and say is being violated and obviously the government doesn't care -- it seems strange to me as obamacare is collapsing around us, there is yet another story in front
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page of "the washington post" today health care sites flawed for coverage. the government can still move really, really quickly when it comes to crushing religious people. >> they are not crushing religious freedom. obama is care is not collapsing. obamacare is getting more sign-ups every day. all they are asked to do sign a slip asking for aifr and have been guaranteed the waiver. no one is forcing them to issue contraception. there is no force of anything. >> to sign a piece of paper that would authorize a third party to do something that they say they don't want their signature involved in. let me ask you -- >> authorizes an administrator to then give the waiver and that's all it does. there's no forcing of anybody -- >> why should they have to take any action? why can't we say a group of convents or religious orders or nuns -- they thunt have to touch any of this. that's the purpose of their life, what they are living out i think we are arguing over whether or not they will sign a request for waiver which they redpus. i think that -- they have been
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guaranteed the waiver. nobody is forcing them to do anything against their religious faith. >> i think this helps explain why according to the gallop polls 72% of americans -- obviously that includes a lot of democrats and independents believe that the greatest let to their well-being is the federal government. mine, that -- the -- the data speaks for themselves. 72%, record number, greatest threat of fwreem is the federal government. >> will is a lot to unblock there including what the nsa is doing. >> we are going to stay focused because we have another -- second thing that's pending before us, justice sotomayor, these go to her because she oversee it is circuits where the issues are bubbling up. she has pending before her utah state officials' requests there be a stay against same-sex marriage while the underlying case about the issue of same-sex smarnlg in referendum passed in 2004 by 66% of voters while that plays out. it is interesting to note -- she signed on to the prop 8 case
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that went on in california which was similar where -- you know, folks had gone to the polls and voted and passed a ban on same-sex marriage or codified marriage as one man and one woman. the supreme court decided that on technicality grounds last year. but she sign order to the dissent which was authored by justice kennedy. i thought it was interesting, he said -- by not respecting that initiative of the people it passed which is now we got to the place in utah. it says, in tend with the court fails to grasp or accept is the basic premise of the initiative process. it is this. the essence of democracy is that the right to make law rests in the people and flows to the government, not the other way around. do you think how she felt in that case will influence this one? >> look, it could be. this will be every little nightmare sonia sotomayor -- justice, will be playing her catholic heritage and not being the liberal they thought she would be. if james madison said the same thing, the power rests on the people, essentially government, not the government of the people.
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had is pretty much the way the constitution was designed. unfortunately as we convenient in many cases concerning school bussing and abortion and gay marriage and welfare and everything else, last 4050 years, chosen to interpret the constitution however they feel like. >> final word to you. >> interesting to me how -- conservatives let them embrace the constitution. however, this is an issue of equal protection, straends whether or not a majority agrees or disagrees and the -- bill of rights where in sits the part of the constitution is protecting the minority from tyranny of majority. that's what the supreme court has to decide here, whether or not that must be done. >> she has had a busy new year. you know, activating the crystal ball dropping and all of these emergency pending petitions before her. we will wait to see what she does. thank you to you both. >> thank you very much. federal reserve chairman ben bernanke was spreading optimism in washington friday predict a stronger year for the economy in 2014. but the question for many of you with retirement plans is where
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is the market headed? hi, brenda. >> new year, same market. investors may be hoping for a repeat of 2013 on wall street. after all the dow had its best year since 1995. the broader s&p 500 probably a part of your retirement plan up nearly 30%. both breaking record highs again and again. can the bull keep running at this rate? will we see a so-called two-peat? maybe but that may be asking for a lot. bad news first. working against another year of historic gains. a less friendly bet the central bank starting to ease up on its easy money policy. the fed's bond buying binge, big fuel for the rally. making stocks the most attractive investment with interest rates of historic lows. obamacare, uncertainty of how much your health care can cost could stop consumers from spending and small business from
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hiring. more wrangling in washington could mean hire taxes which would put the braekkes on the recovery. there's plenty of pros, too. small investors like to judgment open the bandwagon. u.s. stock mutual funds have the most inflow since the tech bubble burst in 2000. you will probably want to continue to get in on the action this year and that will boost stocks as well. plus, the economy is improving. the housing market which hurt the about a answer sheet of many americans is getting better, too. that makes consumers feel wealthier. keep in mind, stocks have been soaring and their p/e ratios or price tags are up, too. which means they are getting expensive. also, the market hasn't suffered a correction or a pullback of 10% in more than two years. it could be time for one. that's not a disaster, though, as many experts point out. it could be a dip to buy. >> brenda, thank you very much. as temperatures continue to
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plummet what you need to know if you have to venture outside. coming up next, dr. mark seagal from our a-team has advice how to protect yourself from frostbite. [ male announcer ] hands were made for playing. legs, for crossing. feet...splashing. better things than the joint pain and swelling of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. if you're trying to ma, now may be time to ask about xeljanz. xeljz (tofacitinib) is a small pill, not an injection or infusion, for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. seris, sometimes fatal infections and cancers have happened in patients taking xeljanz. don't start xeljanz if you have any infection, unless ok with your doctor. tears in the stomach or intestines, low bod cell counts and higher liver tes and cholesterol levels have happened. your doctor should perform blood tts before you start and while taking xeljanz, and roinely check certain liver tests.
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tell your doctor if you have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common, and if you have had tb, hepatitis b oc, or are prone to infections. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, and if you are pregnant, or plan to be. taken twice daily, xeljanz can reduce the joint pain and swelling of moderate to severe ra, even without methotrexate. ask if xeljanz is right for you. of moderate to severe ra, even without methotrexate. c explore what's new for 575 calories or less on oulighter fareu. enjoy fresh tossed. go fish. and try our new rosemary garlic chicken at olive garden.
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as janice dean told us earlier today, we warned you earlier about record-breaking temperatures. lows we convenient in decades. setting in the northeast and south. got to take it seriously especially if you are headed outside. dr. seagal has tips on avoiding very real danger of frostbite. let's just start with what is frost bite and how do you know if have you it? >> frost bite is the actual freezing of the skin. the area just below the skin. leads to permanent damage and in the worst cases, amputation. people have particular risk for frostbite are those with circulation problems and those who have just been in the cold for too long. there will are over a thousand deaths from hypothermia every year in the united states alone. hypothermia occurs when overall body temperatures drop below 95 degrees. it can cause confusion, even heart failure. the body struggles to stay warm by clamping down on the fingers, toes and other exposed skin leading to frostbite. which cause as loss of feeling
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and color in affected areas. be on the lookout for the first signs of frostbite. read, itchy skin. it can turn quickly pale and rubbery after several minutes. you may start experiencinge ini tingling sensation and numbness. be on the lookout for it in your friends and family the. they may not know they have. >> it it is good to have those behind and keep an eye on other people in the midst of this weather we have now. if you do think you have it, how is it treated? >> you can't treat it yourself. number one tip here is see your doctor right away. it is a serious medical condition. if there is a delay in getting medical care, first protect any exposedin and get out of the cold. here is the treatment. rapid warming with blankets, warm, but not hot, water. no heating pads. antibiotics if the area becomes infected. in severe cases we even use
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drugs to help prevent amputation. do not walk on or massage frost-bitten feet. don't use the heat pad. it can make the problem worse. if you are beg to be in the cold, especially with all the football fans out there at the games today, the doctors' prescription is stay warm and covered. don't drink too much alcohol and check with your doctor if you develop a patch of red, numb skin. >> doctor, thank you very much. important facts. still to come, an iowa man finds him snowfall a sticky situation. wait until you hear how a couple of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches landed him behind bars. be a victim of fraud. fraud could mean lower credit scores
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and higher interest rates when you apply for a credit card. it's a problem waiting to happen. check your credit score, check your credit report at we're gonna be late. ♪ ♪ ♪ oh are we early? [ malennouncer ] mmute yo way with the bold, all-w nissan rogue. ♪
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we love hearing from you at home. we have been telling you al qaeda is surging in iraq. u.s. pledging support but no troops. we asked you on twitter, we want to know what do you think happens now. terry writes -- insurgents will take over large portions of iraq
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canceling out all of the gains made since the surge. this nation is in trouble. it needs to reprup and get house in order. leave the middle east to their own devices for now. thank you for weighing in on twitter. some republicans in colorado are determined to overturn the state's new gun law. they say that the plan to get -- plan to get cracking on that as soon as the egg legislature is back. >> colorado's republican house leader plans to introduce this bill repealing a 15-round limit on ammo, magazines, you may remember colorado enacted several strict gun laws last year and that move led to a recall election in which two democratic states senators were ousted and colorado republicans are also hoping to address expanded background checks but changes will not be an easy sell because democrats still have control of the state house and senate. then there is this. an iowa man is behind bars for pulling a knife on his brother
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over how many mean ult butter and jelly sandwiches he was eating. according to reports, jerome davis confronted his brother for eating three pb&js and then going back for another less than an hour later. davis has been charged with domestic abuse with a weapon. what i don't understand is by my math that's four pb&j sandwiches. it is not like he is going to take the lobster claw out. >> which makes me there was some alcohol involved with these pb&js. i don't know. >> i don't know. >> we will investigate and find out. thank you very much. >> thank you. that's it for us in washington. "fox news sunday" is up next. chris wallace sits down with former massachusetts governor mitt romney. thanks so much for watching us here. before we go, we want to introduce you to brandon and lorraine, the now famous twins born here in d.c. in different years. lorraine was born 11:58 p.m. 2013. and her little brother, brandon, was born just minutes later in 2014.
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their father, warren, who must be exhausted, is here in our control room today along with his other son, dylan. there they are waving. we wish warren and his family althe best. i'm chris wallace. obamacare coverage began this week for millions of americans. setting the stage for its biggest test yet. >> i'm thrilled that we are going to have millions of people for the first time that have health security. it should be a great new year for lots of families across america. >> there there are going to be a lot of bridges. i don't know that good news for this is going to outweigh the bad news. >> former governor mitt romney joins us to discuss the road ahead for obamacare. plus p. terror attacks in russia. intensifying security concerns for next month's olympic games in sochi.


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